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Forces of Warmachine: Vengeance

Sale price$28.94
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Exact Vengeance and Punish Your Foes! The nations of Khador and Cygnar are still reeling from their defeat at the hands of Cryx's armies within the Thornwood. Meanwhile, the Protectorate of Menoth's Northern Crusade seizes the opportunity to push into Umbrey while the besieged elven nation of Ios struggles to repel the skorne invaders at their gates. Unleashing the next thrilling chapter of the Warmachine saga, Warmachine: Vengeance introduces new warcasters, including epic versions of some of Warmachine's original warcasters, and six new character novice warcasters, plus new units, solos, narrative fiction, and theme force lists for each new warcaster, which allow you to create armies based on specialized forces found in the Warmachine world.

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