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Hellfrost: Adventure Compendium 2 (SW)

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1. Lost but not completely forgotten, the City of Paraxus lies in the Barony of Cul and is rumoured to hold the hidden knowledge of the Heligi people, a long extinct people. Can the heroes find the lost manuscripts and tomes of knowledge? Or perhaps the heroes will be searching for gold, gems and other items of value in the exploration of -- The Lost City of Paraxus.

2. Unable to cure the insanity of the locals with herbs or magic, the cult of Eira hires a band of hardened adventurers to investigate the source of the insanity that is spreading amongst the inhabitants. From a village of fools to a more serious menace driven into the abyss of madness, the heroes must follow the path of lunacy and risk their own sanity in -- Descent into Madness.

3. The Ice Fiend & Other Tales -- is a set of four fantastic mini-adventures. In The Ice Fiend our heroes are asked to hunt a savage wold that is terrorising a local farmer's sheep stock. Or that is what they think! If your heroes want to see battle then A Brief Encounter is for them! When you are hired to escort some livestock to the local overlord for tribute it seems like an easy way to earn some money. However this is quickly forgotten as at every step of the way the heroes are attacked by a variety of opponents - in Taxation TroublesThe Haunted Woods harbour trouble for our heroes. After pitching camp near a dark mysterious forest one of the characters spy a strange pale white light approaching their camp. It is a Fey Knight who commands the characters to track and kill a strange creature.

4. The Fey Tower -- is an adventure set on the coastline of Rassilon. For the past five months the inhabitants of the coastal village of Gairloch have been plagued by giant crabs. Can the heroes discover the reason for the crabs to venture on land?

5. The Deadly Glade -- is hidden away in the dark and leafy boughs of the Stone Forest. No brightly colored flowers grow here, as they do elsewhere; only plants of midnight-blue. For a decade, one priest of Vali has been feeding the plants on the decaying corpses of disease victims, letting their pus and tainted, putrefying flesh feed his deadly blooms. These flowers attract bees which in turn are poisoned by the sticky nectar. The fast-acting poison warps the bees, turning them into voracious hunters. The plan is as simple as it is bold--to create an army of killer bees which will be unleashed on the unsuspecting citizens of Rassilon. Can this hideous plot be thwarted?

Hellfrost Adventure Compendium 2 is designed to be used with the Hellfrost Player's Guide, Bestiary & Gazetteer using the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

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